this has been the first saturday my wife and i had off without using vacation time for either sickness or business in years... my wife has a new noncorporate job now... just mon-fri noon to six... wonderful... well at the end of her first official week we both spent about 4 hours reorganizing the office... it was the funnest time we had in a long time... we turned the desk around and i used my navy skills of ceiling to floor cleaning along the way....we found out the baseboard is actually a true black..not a lighter shade of gray... and how does dust stick to a vertical surface anyways?...
yes her salary has decreased (we haven't felt it yet...) but it was just so much fun.... to discover that we will have weekends again.. to discover that planning a vacation no longer requires the corresponding meetings at work to plan and quible with all the other members of management of who gets what days off...
yep.. this is going to be fun....
Happy Birthday Mom!
7 years ago
Good I'm glad it will be a good change and not a bad one.
i am ready for this weekend!
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