you see the kitty i use for the profile...not only does she chew electrical wires... (one of the main reasons we decided to ban the cats from the bedroom...) we also swear she has some manic bipolar codependent issues....our previous house the carpet got torn up at the door entry to my study...
but she redeems herself in her ability to cuddle and purr loudly and pretty much be a wonderful lap cat otherwise..
well i noticed she wasn't jumping like she used to (you know like being in the way)... kind of pathetic to look at... i tried the "squeeze-here" theory of trying to find out where it hurt.. i must have gotten close... cat teeth are kind of sharp and she gave me a very firm warning w/o breaking the skin... she always had a weak right knee and now it appears she did something to the left knee...oh bother... i just hope it is something nonsignificant she did on one of those crazed moments of the cat running around the townhouse... hopefully it will go away soon.. if not i might ship the cat to Bea; she seems pretty adapt at taking care of her cute dogs.. (just kidding...i couldn't do that to Bea or her dogs) ... i just hate spending money at the vet... i also hate spending money at the dentist, so it's nothing personal against cats or the here's to ignoring the problem for now in the hopes it walks away or jumps away in this case....
Happy Birthday Mom!
7 years ago