okay..i'm brilliant at hardware...i can build and over clock a computer...but blogger somehow eludes me....
question to the 2 people that read my blog..okay i'm hoping there's more, but right now i only see evidence of 2..but i digress..here is the question...
i post a comment on someone else's blog, is there a default setting that will allow a way that they can email me back with a response without advertising my email address?...i hope the question makes sense..thanks in advance...
Happy Birthday Mom!
7 years ago
Hello. I read your blog, every posting! Your question makes sense. But I have no idea what the answer is. We can test it with this response, and see if you can see my e-mail address.
I don't think so. I think that if you allow your email to be seen by the email reader (so you can be emailed back) that it will show when they hit reply. I don't think there is a way around that.
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