well...the workings of my brain are unique...I'm hoping that all men can join me in this instance of incredible daftness....(it is amazing that we are these same men that can achieve greatness in the workplace...well most of the time)....
my wife has been on a lifestyle changing diet that i assist in by cooking wonderful meals....well, for the past 5 months..if it is steak (at least once a week)...there are veggies....
except for today (almost)...i made sure i did not forget anything on my list..i stayed focused and got the ONLY item on my list ---> steak...yep...just steak...walked down the frozen isle (where we get our frozen veggies in the microwave steam fresh bag) ..picked up 2 rib eye's ..walked down an isle that sells socks and pantyhose????..weird in a grocery store....wait..stay focused ...purchased steaks and proudly arrived home knowing mission successful...
my wife knowing me quite well, phoned ahead...asked me if i bought anything to eat with the steaks..i replied no...(ah oh..husband self preservation instincts just kicked an alarm in my brain).. my wife responded obviously "how could you forget the veggie's" ....my response, given in haste defense..." i didn't forget the veggies, they were not on my list....hard to forget something you didn't remember in the first place".......................(brilliant i thought...REMEMBER in the first place?...repeating my wife's question to myself again)
ya....my wife loves me..there are countless things i could even say to myself about that defense...many of them brilliant sarcastic statements....but she lovingly and kindly suggested i just go pick up the veggies for our meal....my wife is wonderful.....
ps..the dinner was awesome.....
Happy Birthday Mom!
7 years ago
and you built your own computer and it works. You make me laugh and this time I almost couldn't stop laughing long enough to post. I love you, even when you forget there is more than meat in a meal.
Glad dinner was awesome. Interestingly the word verification is "mention". I think blogger has gotten more creative with those lately, I keep getting real words.
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