right in the middle of my forehead to be exact...you see i have a cold..and before that i was rebuilding my mother in law's computer (hence no posting update)...but now it is time..but i had to wait for something truly inspiring to convince me to write something... you see i am pathetic when it comes to colds...and typing exerts a certain amount of energy that causes my nose to run... yes i have heard that one before...i am running down the street to catch it right now... anyways... oh wait... straw wrapper...
we are at our favorite restaurant... i love to cook, but hate to do anything when i have a cold...so we have been there friday night, monday night, and tonight.... well beware of the ides of march...wait wrong season.. beware of your wife when you're not looking.... i must be sick... usually i am the one to blow the straw wrapper at my wife..with exceptionally bad aim, i might add.. but tonight...tonight i wasn't even thinking....i just unwrapped my straw and unwittingly bowed my head down to drink, whilest my dearest love, contriving supremacy, took the opportunity at my weakness, in my befuddled stupor of being sick and slow in thought... tonight ...YES tonight, the aim was true..with quickness of hand and slight of breath took aim... robin hood would be so proud.. my beloved.. my bethrothed succedded in hitting dead center on my forehead.. we wont mention that is an easier target now than in my younger days..
there was much celebration to be had apperently by this event that could only have occured when the celestial bodies were aligned just right... my wife had a good old fashioned giggle meltdown....
in reality, it's all worth it though...it is with great appreciation that i have such a wife to enjoy these moments with......if i dont post soon again, i must still have my cold and will be waiting further inspiration....
Happy Birthday Mom!
7 years ago